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2 bed House, Manchester

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Last Login:
04 Jun 2024
Southway Housing Trust
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My home is in the heart of everything you need close by to all shops schools parks nurserys it's a spacious 2 bedroom on a avenue with quiet neighbours.

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A 2 to 3 bed House, Bungalow, Apartment/Flat, Studio Bedsit or Maisonette within 10 Miles of Manchester

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Manchester Move

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House Exchange is a joint initiative between Clarion Housing Group and 101Smart Ltd.

Clarion Housing Group Limited is a charitable registered society (Reg No 28038R). Registered with the Regulator for Social Housing (Reg No LH4087) VAT No (675 646 394). Registered office: 5th Floor, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7QX

101 Smart Ltd is a registered limited company in England (Reg No 5294196). Registered office: Unit 15 Beech Avenue, Taverham, Norfolk NR8 6HW.