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2 bed House, Hemel hempstead

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Last Login:
20 Sep 2024
Dacorum Borough Council
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No housing, associations, flats, or maisonettes. Only people with photos will get my attention. All the best This is a semi detached property in a quiet area and it is close to train, bus routes, schools, surgery, a library, post office, shops, leisure facilities and the town centre. The property boasts roadside parking and has a medium/large garden with decking. It has 2 double bedrooms. The property also has gas heating and loft storage and recent decoration throughout. A overly large newly fitted kitchen. Walking wardrobe with standing area sliding doors and light. Fantastic neighbours. Pets allowed. Nice doors, architrave and skirting plastered walls. Fitted blinds in every room. Fitted oven and fan extractor. Some of the photos are from before redecorating. No flats or Hemel.

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Dacorum Borough Council

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